New Membership

An information brochure on SAIP Membership benefits can be found here.

To join the SAIP, fill in the New Member Application, sign, get two physicists (not necessarily SAIP members) to propose and second the application and post the form to:

Please Note: If you are unsure which of your colleagues are members of the SAIP (for purposes of proposal/seconding the application), please contact the SAIP secretary (

Documents Required for New Applications and Upgrade

SAIP Student Membership:

  • Complete membership application form
  • Complete consent form
  • Certificate/Academic transcript
  • Copy of ID/Passport

SAIP Associate Membership:

  • Complete membership application form
  • Complete consent form
  • Certificate/Academic transcript
  • Copy of ID/Passport

SAIP Ordinary Membership:

  • Complete membership application form (please ensure you sign the proposer and seconder fields)
  • Complete consent form
  • Certificate/Academic transcript
  • Copy of ID/Passport
  • Detailed CV

SAIP Certified Physical Science Technologist Membership:

  • Complete membership application form (please ensure you sign the proposer and seconder fields)
  • Complete consent form
  • Complete Certified Application form (provide two referee reports)
  • Certificate/Academic transcript
  • Copy of ID/Passport
  • Detailed CV

SAIP Certified Physicist Membership:

  • Complete membership application form (please ensure you sign the proposer and seconder fields)
  • Complete consent form
  • Complete Certified Application form (provide two referee reports)
  • Certificate/Academic transcript
  • Copy of ID/Passport
  • Detailed CV

Upgrade membership

Please note that the membership application form is not required for the upgrade process. A complete membership upgrade form should be provided along with the supporting documents. The upgrade members application should have supporting documents aligned with the membership category of your choice.If you feel that you satisfy the criteria for a membership upgrade (from either Student or Associate to Ordinary), please complete SAIP Membership Upgrade form and post to the secretary.

Joining the SAIP before the SAIP Conference

Applications to join the SAIP for purposes of receiving the member-discounts at the Annual SAIP Conference, must reach the Secretary, at the address above before 1 April of the year of the conference. Applications received after this date will not be processed in time for the conference and will therefore not receive the member discounts.

Attention Teachers and Learners

You can apply to become a Subscriber member. Download EMember Form.

Details of Membership Categories and Fees

Grade of Membership Grade of Membership Eligibility Criteria Fees 2025
EMember (Electronic membership)
School Pupils - free e-membership - Complete the form Science Teachers - free e-membership - complete the form Undergraduate Students - free -membership - see details below Free membership is available to undergraduates students and all Honours Physics Students. Do the following

1) Approach their supervisor or physics head of the department and ask them to send a request to SAIP

2) The HoDs / Supervisors can choose to make their students free SAIP members

3) The supervisor or HOD can send an email with the students’ names and email address to SAIP on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." target="_blank"> The 3rd year and honours students will have the following benefits · Receive all SAIP electronic communication such as the Physics Comment magazine and adverts for scholarships, conferences and jobs. Attend the SAIP annual conference at student membership rates. This subscription will be valid for 1 year from January to December only renew it every year in January as long as you are still undergraduate.
A candidate for Student membership shall be a full-time student pursuing a course of study leading to an academic qualification acceptable for Associate membership or who has obtained such qualification and is pursuing appropriate full-time post-graduate study, provided that the candidate has not already been awarded another category of membership. According to the SAIP constitution, "student membership is for a full-time student pursuing a course of study that will lead to an academic qualification/degree in physics." A postdoctoral research fellow is not enrolled for the study of a degree and is not, by conventional definition, a student. Postdocs are early career professionals; hence, they do not qualify for student membership. Postdocs must apply for Full/Ordinary Membership or Certified Physicist designation.
R 191
A candidate for Associate membership shall:

have successfully completed the equivalent of three full years of study in the natural sciences or technology at a tertiary institution;

or in the opinion of Council possess equivalent qualifications.
R 424
Ordinary (Full)
A candidate for membership shall satisfy the Council that he/she has: successfully completed a Master's degree in experimental or theoretical physics or equivalent university course and has thereafter for at least three years been engaged in activities in which physics plays a large role; or successfully completed an Honours degree in experimental or theoretical physics or equivalent course and has thereafter for at least five years been engaged in such scientific activities as in the opinion of the Council make it desirable that he/she should be a member of the Institute; or has had training or experience which in the opinion of the Council is equivalent to the two points above
R 859
A candidate for Retired membership is any paid-up member who does not qualify for Emeritus- or Honorary membership, who has retired from an active career in Physics, but who wishes to retain links with the SAIP.
R 191
Members or other persons whom the Institute has decided to honour in consideration of services rendered by them to the Institute, to Science or to Industry.
Members or other persons whom the Institute has decided to honour in consideration of services rendered by them to the Institute, to Science or to Industry.
An Institutional member shall be an organisation which is interested in promoting the advancement of physics and/or the applications of physics.
R 6 270


designated membership

Grade of Membership Eligibility Criteria Fees 2025
Certified Physicist (CPhys)
Physics is a basic science that is a basis for all science and technology disciplines. This results in its graduates working in every sector imaginable. Therefore we must cater for a wide range of industries and economic sectors. Hence any physicists who graduated with at least Physics Honours Degree working in either; industry, commerce, government, academia, research, theoretical physics, experimental physics, and uses physics skills and thought processes in their job/career. A person first has to qualify to be a SAIP Ordinary member before they can be registered as a certified physicist. Check the SAIP constitution regarding the criteria here SAIP Constitution.
Certified Industrial and Physical Science Technologists (CPhysTech)
Graduates with physics-based qualifications who apply physics-based scientific-methods, techniques, concepts and principles in research, testing, measurement, monitoring, design, and installation of equipment, products, and processes. CPhysTech will cater for applied physicists, industrial physicists, technicians and technologists working in either;

1) Research and academic labs in all sub-disciplines of applied physics, industrial physics and physics-related technical work, or

2) Industry and using physics-related skills in areas such as Radiation Protection, Vacuum Technology, Instrumentation and Calibration, Non-Destructive Testing, Nuclear Science, Renewable Energy, Laboratory Technicians, etc. A person first has to qualify to be a SAIP Associate or Ordinary member before they can be registered as a certified physicist. Check the SAIP constitution regarding the criteria here SAIP Constitution

New application processing fees: R530.00 once off.

Use EFT to make a payment or make a Cash deposit

Account Name: South African Institute Of Physics

Bank: Standard Bank

Account Type: Cheque

Account Number: 202815382

Branch: Lynwood Ridge

Branch Code:01244515


Please note: All payments must have a reference to your name or invoice number so that they can be credited to your account.

Use your Name Surname or Invoice Number as reference

Finally email proof of payment

Email the SAIP Accounts with proof of payment.

If you do not put a reference, we won’t be able to link the deposit to you.



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