Dear Physics Community

As a follow-up to our programme on increasing the impact of physics on socio-economic development throughout the country discussed at the Science Forum 2023, we are now engaging the country’s nine provinces.

You are therefore invited to participate in the Eastern Cape: Physics-Underpinned Capacity Development DDM Meeting to be held at Rhodes University on Thursday 4 July 2024.


The programme aims to address socio-economic challenges identified within the District Development Model (DDM) reports through impactful innovation-focused physics research and capacity building while concurrently providing solutions that address Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the nexus of Water, Food, Energy and Climate. The program aims to impart physics-underpinned skills from ECD to tertiary level, skills for the future of work and for the empowerment of women and youth through DDM Pillar 1: “People Development”. Through the programme, physicists will be consulting with communities and villages (citizen science), to understand needs, and to contribute to essential community service delivery infrastructure through physics research prototypes.

We therefore invite you to the consultative meeting to discuss how you can partner with the physics community and Eastern Cape DDM Stakeholders.


We are looking forward to seeing you at the Eastern Cape Physics-Underpinned Capacity Development DDM Town Hall Meeting.

With kind regards,

Dr Brian Masara

Executive Officer

South African Institute of Physics


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