Shaping the Future of Physics in South Africa

Draft Terms of Reference and Process - Updated 2 April 2003


Physics underpins technological development and will be a key component of research and innovation - which will ultimately lead to an improved quality of life for all South Africans. However, if physics is to play the role that it should there is an urgent need for the physics community to take a strategic look at the opportunities for, and obligations of, the discipline within the subcontinent.

The SAIP has for some time been involved in discussions with DST and the NRF to highlight concerns raised by its membership regarding both the role of, and state of funding for, physics in South Africa. These concerns have been taken very seriously. The matter has progressed to the point where DST and the NRF will commit financial resources and personnel to a process that is designed to achieve a sustainable solution. This process is premised on the fact that the status quo is not viable in the longer term. A major increase in funding is required. This can only be achieved if it is motivated by a searching examination of the role of physics in society and an inspired re-invention of this role where necessary. This re-invention of the role of physics would be in the context of a wide-ranging and transparent review, as detailed below.

Draft Terms of Reference

  1. The process should enjoy the credibility of the community in its widest sense (government, physicists, other scientists, industry and higher education).

  2. It must be a joint initiative of SAIP and the NRF, but owned by the community.

  3. It should embrace a wide range of stakeholders.

  4. It must have a focus on post-matriculation concerns, including science-teacher development.

  5. It will consolidate existing reviews of physics and generate additional reviews where necessary.

  6. It must situate these reviews within the changing context of South African society, its needs and its economy.

  7. The process should be illuminated by comparison to international norms and standards.

  8. It must define and optimise the role of physics in society

  9. It should generate soundly based proposals for addressing the problems concerning the role of physics in South Africa, through assessing research capacity and identifying high impact areas, leading to a re-alignment of effort and massive new funding.

  10. It should look at the "big picture", and attract effective funding to new key large projects, including those within the SADC community.

  11. It should assess the role of the NRF and identify the optimal role of the NRF (and other funding bodies) that will lead to new proposals for funding models.

  12. It should assess the role and effectiveness of the SAIP and indicate its role in implementing the recommendations of the process.


Phase 1 (completed)

Hold regional workshops to:

  1. Develop interest and buy-in to the process.

  2. Obtain further input from SAIP members, physicists in general and other stakeholders.

  3. Seed the creative process that will lead to proposals resulting from the review and discussion.

  4. Discuss progress at an extended AGM of SAIP, in September.

Phase 2 (Currently in Progress)

  1. A National Stakeholders Meeting will be held on 16 May 2003. Attendance is by invitation only.

  2. The workshop will choose the members of the Management and Policy Committee in a representative and democratic way. This committee will then continue to supervise the review process, take policy decisions and motivate outcomes at the highest levels.

  3. The workshop will also constitute the Technical Committee.

  4. The input from Phase 1 will be consolidated.

  5. Finalize the Terms of Reference of the Review

  6. Establish a statement of work

Phase 3

  1. Implementation of the work plan for the review.

  2. Compilation of a report and recommendations.

  3. Dissemination of the report to the contributors and to the public.

  4. Eliciting feedback.

  5. Motivating the recommendations through the Management and Policy Committee.

  6. Implementation of the recommendations of the studies.